These dazzling dozen of red roses arranged in a vase would put a smile on anyone's face. Other color roses are available in Red, White, Yellow, Lavender and Pink. Please specify if you want a different color in the special instructions.
Standard: 12 roses
Premium: 18 roses
This lovely Half Dozen Red Roses arranged in a vase.
Other color roses are available in Red, White, Yellow, Lavender and Pink. Please specify if you want a different color in special instructions.
Send that special someone this versatile arrangement of six red roses and 2 stems of stargazer lilies. If you would like to customize it with pink, white, yellow or lavender roses instead of red, just put that in the special instructions.
Make everyone around that special someone jealous, when they seen the beautiful arrangement of 24 Red Roses you've sent. Other color roses are available in Red, White, Yellow, Lavender and Pink. Please specify if you want a different color in special instructions.
Roses from GUNSTON FLOWERS in Lorton, VA always make an impression. You can express your self in a variety of ways from the simple rose bud vase, to an extravagant two dozen. Browse our rose pictures to find the best arrangement of roses for you. If you don't see something you like give GUNSTON FLOWERS a call. We can arrange roses in a variety of styles to suit your special occasion, style or color such as: yellow roses, white roses and pink roses. Send your message of love with roses from GUNSTON FLOWERS today.